Texts and Traditions
First Things First: An Sacred Exploration of
the First Letter, First Word and First Sentence of the Torah
As the Torah Turns:
A psycho-social introduction to the portion of the week
using the insights of Chasidic spirituality
Why Read the Bible?
How to Read the Bible: A Mediation between
Traditional Assumptions And Modern Scholarship
Lunch with the Prophets: The Books of Jeremiah, Isaiah and Ezekiel
Reading the Writings: Yearnings of the Heart, Spirituality of the Soul -- The Book of Psalms
Reading the Writings: Wisdom of the Ages and the Ethics of the Everyday – The Book of Proverbs
Reading the Writings: The Books of Job, Shir HaShirim (Song of Songs) and Ruth
Reading the Writings: Time and Eternity --The Books of Lamentations and Ecclesiastes
Reading the Writings: Upside Down and Outside In –The Books of Esther and Daniel
Reading the Writings: On Scribes and Scripture The Books of Ezra and Nechemiah
Reading the Writings: Satraps and Storytellers --The Books of Chronicles
The Babylonian Talmud: Tractate Sanhedrin
Traditions: An Introduction to Talmud, Midrash,
Medieval Biblical Commentary, Codes and Kabbalah
Treasures from the Rabbis Library: An Exploration of
the Apocrypha, Pseudipigrapha and later, lesser Known Jewish Writings
Beyond the Bible: Ten Important Works of Jewish Literature
Which You Might Not Know That Much About
The Palestinian/Jerusalem Talmud
Saadia Gaon, The Book of Beliefs and Opinions
Bachya Ibn Pakuda, Duties of the Heart
Yehuda HaLevi, Kuzari
Sefer HaChasidim
Sefer HaChinuch
Gersonides, The Wars of the Lord
Hasdai Crescas: Light of the Lord
Joseph Albo, Ikkarim
Moshe Chaim Luzatto, The Path of the Just